13. Ar-Ra'd - Thunder

1Alif-Lam-Meem-Ra*; these are verses of the Book; and that which has been sent down upon you from your Lord is true, but most men do not believe. (* Alphabets of the Arabic language – Allah and to whomever He reveals, know their precise meanings.)
2It is Allah Who raised up the heavens without columns for you to observe, then (in the manner befitting His Majesty) established Himself upon the Throne (of control), then subjected the sun and the moon; each one runs for up to an appointed term; Allah plans the works and explain the signs in detail, so that you may believe in meeting with your Lord.
3And it is He Who spread out the earth and made mountains as anchors and rivers in it; and in it made all kinds of fruits in pairs – He covers the night with the day; indeed in this are signs for people who ponder.
4And in the earth are various regions, and are close to each other – and gardens of grapes and fields, and date-palms, growing from a single branch and separately, all being given one water; and in fruits, We make some better than others in eating; indeed in this are signs for people of intellect.
5And if you are amazed, then indeed the amazement is at their saying that, “Will we, after having turned to dust, be created anew?” They are those who have disbelieved in their Lord; and they are those who will have shackles around their necks; and they are the people of hell; remaining in it forever.
6And they urge you to hasten the punishment before the mercy, whereas the punishments of those before them have concluded; and indeed your Lord gives the people a sort of pardon* despite their injustice; and indeed the punishment of your Lord is severe. (* By delaying their punishment despite their disbelief.)
7The disbelievers say, “Why is not a sign sent down upon him from his Lord?” You are purely a Herald of Warning, and a guide for all nations.
8Allah knows all what is inside the womb of every female, and every increase and decrease of the wombs; and all things are with Him by a set measure.
9The All Knowing of all things hidden and visible, the Great, the Supreme.
10Equal* are the one among you who speaks softly and one who speaks aloud, and one who is hidden during the night and one who walks during the daytime. (* For Allah.)
11For man are angels of alternating duties, in front and behind him, who guard him by Allah’s command; indeed Allah does not change His favour upon any nation until they change their own condition; and when Allah wills misfortune for a nation, it cannot be repelled; and they do not have any supporter besides Him.
12It is He Who shows you the lightning, for fear and for hope, and raises the heavy clouds.
13And the thunder proclaims His purity with praise, and the angels out of fear of Him; and He sends the bolt of lightning – it therefore strikes upon whom He wills, whilst they are disputing concerning Allah; and severe is His seizure.
14Only the prayer to Him is truthful; and whomever they pray to besides Him, do not hear them at all, but like one who has his hands outstretched towards water that it may come into his mouth, and it will never come; and every prayer of the disbelievers remains wandering.
15And to Allah only prostrate all those who are in the heavens and in the earth, willingly or helplessly – and their shadows – every morning and evening. (Command of prostration # 2).
16Say (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?” Proclaim, “Allah”; Say, “So have you appointed such as supporters besides Him, who can neither benefit nor harm themselves?”; say, “Will the blind and the sighted ever be equal? Or will the realms of darkness and the light ever be equal?” Have they appointed such as partners to Allah who created something like Allah did? Therefore their creation and His creation seemed alike to them? Proclaim, “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He Alone is the Dominant over all.”
17He sent down water from the sky, so valleys flowed according to their measure, therefore the water flow brought forth the froth swollen upon it; and upon which they ignite the fire, to make ornaments and tools, from that too rises a similar froth; Allah illustrates that this is the example of the truth and the falsehood; the froth then bursts and disappears; and that which is of use to people, remains in the earth; this is how Allah illustrates the examples.
18For those who obeyed the command of Allah is goodness and if those who did not obey Him owned all that is in the earth and in addition a similar one like it, they would give it to redeem their souls; it is they who will have a wretched account, and their destination is hell; and what a wretched resting place!
19So will he, who knows that what is sent down upon you from your Lord is the truth, ever be equal to him who is blind? Only the men of understanding heed advice.
20Those who fulfil the pact of Allah, and do not renege on the covenant.
21Those who unite what Allah has commanded to be united, and fear their Lord, and apprehend the evil of the account.
22Those who were patient in order to gain their Lord’s pleasure and kept the prayer established and spent in Our cause part of what We bestowed upon them, secretly and openly, and repel evil by responding with goodness – for them is the gain of the final abode.
23The everlasting Gardens of Eden which they will enter, and the deserving among their forefathers and their wives and their descendants – the angels will enter upon them from every gate.
24(Saying), “Peace be upon you, the recompense of your patience – so what an excellent gain is the final abode!”
25And those who break the pact of Allah after its ratification, and sever what Allah has commanded to be joined, and spread turmoil in the earth – their share is only the curse and their destiny is the wretched abode.
26Allah eases and restricts the sustenance for whomever He wills; and the disbelievers rejoiced upon the life of this world; and the life of this world, as compared with the Hereafter, is just a brief utilisation.
27And the disbelievers said, “Why was not a sign sent down upon him from his Lord?” Proclaim, “Indeed Allah sends astray whomever He wills, and guides towards Himself the one who comes towards Him.”
28“Those who accepted faith and whose hearts gain solace from the remembrance of Allah; pay heed! Only in the remembrance of Allah is the solace of hearts!”
29“Those who accepted faith and did good deeds – for them is joy and an excellent outcome.”
30Similarly We sent you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) towards the nation, before whom other nations have passed away, for you to recite to them the divine revelations We sent down to you, whereas they are denying the Most Gracious; proclaim, “He is my Lord – there is no worship except for Him; I rely only upon Him and only towards Him is my return.”
31And were such a Qur’an to come that would cause the mountains to move, or the earth to split asunder, or the dead to speak, even then these disbelievers would not believe; in fact, all matters are only at Allah’s discretion; so have not the Muslims despaired in that, had Allah willed, He would have guided all mankind? Disasters shall continue to strike the disbelievers on account of their deeds, or descend near their homes until Allah’s promise comes; indeed Allah does not break the promise.
32And indeed the Noble Messengers before you were also mocked – I therefore gave the mockers respite for some days and then seized them; so how (dreadful) was My punishment!
33So is He who keeps a watch over the deeds of every soul (equal to their appointed partners)? And (yet) they ascribe partners to Allah! Proclaim, “Just name them – or is it that you inform Him of something which in His knowledge does not exist in the earth – or is it just superficial talk?” In fact, their deceit seems good to the disbelievers and are prevented from the path; and whomever Allah sends astray, so there is none to guide him.
34They will be punished in the life of this world, and indeed the punishment of the Hereafter is the most severe; and there is none to save them from Allah.
35A description of the Paradise which is promised to the pious; rivers flow beneath it; its fruits are unending, and its shade; this is the reward of those who fear; and the fate of the disbelievers is fire.
36And those to whom We gave the Book* rejoice at what is divinely revealed to you**; and of those groups are some who deny parts of it; proclaim, “I am commanded only that I worship Allah and not ascribe any partner to Him; towards Him do I call, and towards Him only I have to return.” (* Scholars among the Jews and Christians who accepted faith. ** The Holy Qur’an.)
37And similarly We have revealed this as a command in Arabic; and O listener (follower of this Prophet), if you follow their desires after the knowledge having come to you, then you will have neither a supporter nor any saviour against Allah.
38And indeed We sent Noble Messengers before you, and made wives and children for them; and it is not the task of any Noble Messenger to bring a sign except by Allah’s command; and all promises have a time prescribed.
39Allah erases and confirms whatever He wills; and only with Him is the real script.
40And whether We show you a promise that is given to them, or call you to Us before it – so in any case, upon you is just the conveyance*, and for Us is the taking of the account. (* Of the message.)
41Do they not perceive that We are reducing their dwellings from all directions? And Allah gives the command – there is none that can postpone His command; and He spends no time in taking account.
42And indeed those before them had plotted; therefore Allah Himself is the Master of all strategies; He knows all what every soul earns; and soon will the disbelievers realise for whom is the final abode.
43The disbelievers say, “You are not a (Noble) Messenger (of Allah)”; proclaim, “Allah is a Sufficient Witness between me and you, and (so is) he who has knowledge of the Book.”